Thursday 30 July 2009

Oh God

I feel ill and tired. Normally this wouldn't bother me, I never get ill enough for it stop me from working (touch wood) and the whole swine flu thing doesn't scare me personally - only if everyone gets it at once and the whole country grinds to a halt. If anything, I'd quite like to get it now before the real deal comes this winter and starts killing. And anyway, one good thing the Labour administration has done recently is to make sure the UK is first in the world to get the medication.

Today I saw a chinese family all wearing cheap facemasks (there are only one kind that work in the world, and quite a few hospitals don't even use them). Now that's hysterical. It's one thing to wash your hands and maintain levels of hygiene, but another to think you're going to avoid it by wearing a cloth over your mouth and nose. It will get you.

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