Sunday 1 August 2010

"Too many tweets makes a twat" - David Cameron

I've started using Twitter again. I'm not going to go into detail as to why I stopped, but it's the same reason one evening virtually my whole blog had to be deleted until it was 'clean'.

I'm not really sure about the true merits of Twitter and how powerful it can be, but it's quite fun and more often than not is good for comic one-lines (something Keith '@thekeithchegwin' Chegwin knows a fair bit about).

Something I've not got the hang of, is the tagging/hashing that occurs and can develop a 'trend', although one of my favoured pastimes is to create the most comic ones...purely for my own entertainment. Sad I know.

Anyway, just to make this post of some use to the already pitied reader, if you're on a Mac you can get the hash key by holding Alt and tapping 3. I didn't know that and had to google it. #Happyhashing

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