Monday 29 June 2009

So today Bernie Madoff got sent down for 150 years of porridge. He's stolen billions of dollars/pounds/euros of people's savings and lost them all (although I'm not really sure where it's ALL gone), so he deserves it right?

Well, erm, maybe.

He's not taken a life, just taken people's savings and crippled some individuals financially. Just like companies are doing across the world as they go bankrupt. They are no longer threatened with jail. To rub salt in the would, three young men who stabbed a 16 year old boy to death have been given initial 19 year sentences ("life"). So where is the parity in that? 150 years for a large scale thief, and a collective 57 for three cold-blooded murderers. Hmm, something's not adding up there.

Sadly, Bernard Madoff has been a scapegoat for the world's anger, and as usual the media spotlight probably put 100 years on his sentence. Either way he'll die behind locked doors. I would say bars, but I highly highly doubt the abrasive nature of the prison charged with holding him.

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