Thursday 10 June 2010

People in glass houses...

OK. BP have suffered a really nasty accident, whereby an explosion killed 11 employees and a faulty well has been spewing vasts amount of oil and gas into the ocean, ruining coastal environments and threatening dependent jobs. That's really bad. What's also bad is that there have been several failed attempts to plug the (FYI American owned and operated) well. Shambolic, but in fairness, really difficult at the same time. A clean-up operation has started and BP have rightly claimed full responsibility and liability for the environmental costs. Quite simple.

But what's happened since then is a total disgrace. What right does Barack Hussein Obama have to bring jingoistic rhetoric into what is a nasty accident, not a deliberate act of coastal environmental vandalism? Long after Tony Hayward, CEO of BP, confirmed they would foot the bill, there has been a constant torrent of anti-BP, anti-British spiel from the other side of what is proving to be an ever-growing pond. Not cool.

If we really want to talk about being irresponsible and ruining the environment, lets dig a little deeper. Below is a map of the countries in the world committed to reducing their emissions by signing the Kyoto agreement. Those in green have already signed, those in grey are undecided, those in red have declared they have no intention of discussing the idea any further.

If you want to take the argument to a US vs UK level, Barack, you can see the level of CO2 emission per capita at this website, yet handily our nations have such similar names, so the numbers sit quite uncomfortably next to each other on the table anyway, as seen below:

Ouch. Every US citizen pollutes twice as much as every UK citizen. What are you doing about that Barack? Are you going to foot the bill?

To be honest, I'm not that bothered, but I would appreciate slightly more than brazen hypocrisy. Or, just leave out the whole anti-British talk, after all, it's a global employer and has been officially 'BP' for the last decade. Maybe in future Obama should employ one of his advisors to either brief him to avoid these cringing oversights, or stand two feet behind him at all times whispering "you are mortal sire, you are mortal...".

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