Friday 16 April 2010

I wrote my dissertation on Political Marketing and the use of the internet to foster interest amongst the youth of today. It was largely a conceptual piece and was looking to torpedo the unfortunately buoyant impression that young people are totally apathetic, but it seems to have come alive over the recent US election and the upcoming UK one. For me, selfishly, it's very exciting.

Debates are re-screened on Youtube and Facebook feeds are filled with comments in support of various parties. Echo-chambers are beginning to form between traditional and online forms of media and live commentary and debate is simmering on Twitter, whipping up a virtual inferno of online conversation. Granted, I may be tapped into an engaged demographic, yet the development of online political marketing and its integration into various communities is evident. Those who dismissed the implicit impact of online media should be kicking themselves, and they quite clearly just don't get it.

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